
Social Media Certification Worth It

Is Social Media Certification Worth My Time and Money?

Is Social Media Certification Worth My Time and Money?

Updated August 3, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Time for a few questions and some honest answers:

  • How much would you be willing to spend to sign your next client?
  • What is it worth to you to get your (new) career in digital marketing off the ground in no time, making money within a month or two?
  • What is getting a raise worth to you?

If your answer to any of these three questions is $100 or more… you are in the right spot.

Truly, we can't imagine that anyone would be averse to paying a small amount of money for any of these three opportunities described above.

A Marketing Strategy for Social Media Managers

If you are a social media manager, you must be providing some sort of marketing strategy for your clients. [If you currently are not, check out our awesome Social Strategist Pro course here!]

Whether you are strategizing or not, may we assume you are marketing yourself in some way in order as well, to find the next client, the next job opportunity or the next project?

We ask you to stop for a second and ask yourself:

  • What would your current client think if they knew you'd taken the time to get industry-recognized certification? Would you be able to raise your prices?
  • What would a potential client think if they saw a badge from a social media certificate program on all your social profiles?

Whether you work for an agency, in-house or work as a freelancer, social media certification should be part of your own marketing strategy!

5 Reasons Social Media Certification is Worth the Time and Money

Let's dive right in; we are going to explore 5 reasons social media marketing certification is worth your time and money!

1) Social Media Certification Lends Credibility To Skills

Self-starting, self-motivated entrepreneurs understand the value of learning new skills. Applying new-found knowledge to an existing project will usually result in a better outcome.

How can you best highlight and promote newfound skills?

An official certification, a badge on your website, an additional line on your resume, a new skills set added to your LinkedIn account can highlight new skills instantly!

An industry-recognized certification lends credibility to your skills and your overall profile and personal brand. Certification signals dedication, perseverance, and an understanding of the social media industry.

2) Social Media Certification Adds Credentials For Those Without Formal Education

In a previous article, we touched on whether social media managers need a formal education to be successful.

Read our stand on this here.

Social media certification can fill the gap in a resume or LinkedIn profile for those among us who do not have a college degree.

Adding 'social media certified' to a portfolio or resume provides instant credentials when applying for a new job or trying to land the next client.

3) Social Media Certification Boosts Confidence for Difficult Projects

When you encounter difficult projects at work or in your business, what do you do?

Are you the type of person who says 'I will take on this project and learn what I need to know as I go along'?

That is the right attitude. Having an official social media certification under your belt, knowing you were able to pass the exam, will boost your confidence when things get a bit complicated!

Confidence comes from knowing you've not only gone through the marketing training, but you understand it, and can apply it!

If you need to boost your confidence to go after the next big project, the next big job opportunity, consider getting social media certified immediately!

become a social media manager

4) Social Media Certification is Affordable To Anyone Looking to Change Careers

The Social Media Pro Certification currently costs $79.

We believe our certification is affordable to anyone who is looking to change careers, or who wants to advance their career.

If you work in-house, your employer might be keen to pay for your yearly certification, guaranteeing you are up to speed on all things social media!

Those who are freelancers; consider the fact that $79 is less than the price of one cup of Starbucks coffee for a month, or just a bit more than working at a shared office space like WeWork for a mere day!

Social media certification is an investment in the future. Consider adding certification to your social media strategy; use it as a way to sign on your next client.

5) Social Media Certification Aids Career Advancement

While we touched on this briefly earlier, it is good to reiterate this point.

Being a certified social media manager has advantages beyond gaining knowledge about social media.

Certification helps you position yourself in the field of social media as a trained expert.

It will also help you stand out among a large group of peers when applying for a new position or a new opportunity; it's a great talking point during a job interview.

The field of social media changes fast.

What worked in 2018, might not work now. Platforms that were relevant in 2017 are non-existent. New features and new trends pop up weekly, if not daily.

Having a social media presence, developing case studies from clients you've worked with a solid resume isn't always enough to get noticed.

Putting in the work to get certified does!

Get Social Media Certified Today!

If you have experience as a social media manager, you can get certified today!

We offer a certification course for those who've taken our Social Media Pro courses as well as for experienced social media managers who have the knowledge to pass our exam.

Find out more today!

Social Media Certification Worth It


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